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Howard Miller Grandfather Clocks on Sale

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Posted September 20,2010

1 Day Sale on Grandfather Clocks! Free Shipping for Grandfather Clocks TODAY ONLY! Lowest Grandfather Clock Prices you will find anywhere! Get a free gift if you buy a grandfather clock from us today!

What all of the above types of come-ons from many large and small grandfather clock retailers alike have in common is that they are NOT what they appear. Read the fine-print or watch the websites over time, as we have while looking at our competition (naturally :) ), and you will see that the grandfather clocks discounts being offered are really just their everyday sale clocks prices, and they are trying simply to get the customer to buy on impulse.

At 1-800-4CLCOKS.com, we have everyday low prices – see our Low Price Guarantee posted on our website – and always have free shipping and in many cases also have free in-home set-up (for Grandfather Clocks $1,000 or more) — and we don’t play games.

Speaking of games, some retailers will sell floor samples or returned items as thought they are new, without ever telling the customer. That is a practice we have and never will undertake. Also, prospective customers need to be certain that they are dealing with Authorized Dealers for the brand they are purchasing, or the warranty may not be valid. Purchasers of Howard Miller Clocks have to be especially vigilant in this area as there are many websites selling Howard Miller Clocks of all types (grandfather, wall, mantle, atomic, etc.) that are NOT authorized dealers.

Another aspect to pay attention to, especially if purchasing grandfather clocks off the floor of the showroom, is whether the clock will still be covered by the manufacturer’s warranty. We believe a lot of the clock shops, even those whom are authorized dealers and acting in good faith, may not know that manufacturer’s warranties, with lengths varying by manufacturer, may well have expired before the clock even left the showroom, depending upon the date the clock was manufactured. A 4 year grandfather clock warranty expiration from the date of actual manufacture is not uncommon for some of the major clockmakers. And finally, the “lowest price available online” for the grandfather clock may not in fact in many cases be the lowest advertised priced, if one does their homework (at 1-800-4clocks, we always keep an eye on all our competitors’ pricing). Finally, one needs to evaluate the value of the entire package – curbside delivery, even if not described that way by the salesperson or website, can be just the beginning or your grandfather clocks shopping nightmare.

So the bottom line – don’t be fooled by the “offer expires at midnight tonight, so buy now, so you don’t forget” type of grandfather clocks sales. Take your time, ask questions (we love it when customers call us with questions or wanting to understand differences between grandfather clocks brands or grandfather clock movements, clock chimes, pros and cons of new vs. antique grandfather clocks, grandfather clock features, or likely clock longevity if the grandfather clock is wanted partly for heirloom quality, or grandfather clock cases and types of wood questions.

A customer who does his or her grandfather clocks comparison shopping homework and understands the grandfather clock choices they are making, and why, is ultimately going to be a much more satisfied and happy grandfather clocks customer.

© Grandfather Clocks Blog and 1-800-4CLOCKS

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