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Grandfather Clock Appraisals

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Posted October 14, 2012

How much is my fill in the blank grandfather clock worth? This is one of the most frequently asked questions by grandfather clocks owners, or those who may have recently inherited one, or those who have lost a treasured new or vintage or antique grandfather clock in a fire or a flood. After Hurricane Katrina, we received many dozens of inquiries of those who had lost or damaged or destroyed newer or antique grandfather clocks, and wanted help in figuring where to turn. How do I get my grandfather clocks or clock collection or pocket watches appraised?

Wall clocks owners, as well as mantel clocks owners or those who may have lost a cherished clock are also among the many who contact us. We also get many people who have just acquired a grandfather clock and they want to know if they got a good deal or not. W even get contacted by many people who are either at auctions or who are with someone who is trying to sell them a grandmother clock or grandfather clocks and they want guidance on how much they should bid.

Need less to say, in many of the grandfather clock and wall clock and mantel clock appraisal inquiries, it is difficult if not impossible to give an accurate answer, importantly because we believe there is no such thing as an accurate answer. One foolproof answer, which in many ways is the most meaningful, and certainly addresses what someone should be willing to pay for a good value grandfather clock, is not to pay more for the grandfather clock than it is worth to you in home decor value. This is an excellent rule for all grandfather clocks shoppers and those looking not only for discount grandfather clocks, but also grandfather clocks on sale. One key underlying element which may not be considered is the condition and structural soundness, not to mention working and advertised as described, in any grandfather clocks purchase. Here is where sticking with a name brand well-known and highly regarded clockmaker like Howard Miller Clocks, Hermle Clocks and Ridgeway Clocks can make a big difference, especially when purchased new. When purchasing anything used, and it is as true for used grandfather clocks as it is for used cars, one should strive to ensure as much as possible that they are not buying a money pit which will be in continuous need of grandfather clock repairs.

When assessing antique grandfather clocks value, there are many more pitfalls. This is true for antique grandmother clocks, antique wall clocks, and antique mantle clocks as well. Is the clock all original, is one of the most key factors to consider. What is the condition of the grandfather clock. What was the provenance of the grandfather clock. Are there people around who can still reasonably easily fix this kind of clock. Will grandfather clock parts be available. Was it made from grandfather clock plans or by one of the esteemed antique historical maker. Is the grandfather clock structurally sound. Does the grandfather clock chime and strike and gong as it is supposed to. Can the grandfather clock be silenced. What special grandfather clock features might it or might it not have, and how rare are they, and how valuable are they to you.

Then comes the question of how the grandmother clocks or grandfather clocks would be sold in assessing a value. If an antique clock like an antique grandfather clock is sitting in a fine antiques store for a year, it will likely get a much higher price than if if it sold on Craigslist or listed casually on eBay. Adding insult to injury, the same grandfather clock sold at 2 different times might bring wildly divergent prices. It is very hard to predict.

Another critical element in the appraisal of grandfather clocks is that there are so many phony appraisers, or even real appraisers who might need to justify the cost of the grandfather clock appraisal, that most grandfather clocks appraisals that we see are wildly overinflated. We find this true of most clocks appraisals we see.

Most importantly for this reason, we tend to only give grandfather clocks appraisals to those individuals who have lost their clocks in fires and floods.

How much is my grandfather clock worth?

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As Of: 03/30/2025