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Clocks in a Primary Residence and Beyond

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Posted August 29, 2008

For most of us, the only consideration we have to give to home decor is to our one primary residence. For others, however, who have a vacation home, a second property, or even a boat in their life, decorating takes on a whole new meaning. When you consider how expensive it can be to decorate one home, you can only imagine the cost of decorating multiple properties.

In order to make the process go smoother, many homeowners will simply buy multiples of pieces that they love. This may mean the purchase of a particular piece of furniture that works well in their primary residence and is sure to work just as well in a separate property, the use of a particular paint color, and even the use of accessories within the same family.

Those who love clocks, for example, may be inclined to purchase several clock pieces when doing their shopping, a mantel clock or grandfather clock for their primary residence and a matching mantel clock and a wall clock (a design that is made to resemble the grandfather clock but in much scaled down version) for their additional property.

Just because you are decorating a home that you do not live in full time does not mean that you should not work to make it just as homey and appealing as your primary residence. After all, this is a home that you, your family, and even your friends may spend quite a bit of time in, a place at the beach where you can spend summers, a place in the mountains where you can ski in the winter, or a boat docked a nearby marina where you can jump aboard and hit the open water. Whatever purpose it serves, this property is yours and should be decorated accordingly.

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